

entourage.io ~ your most influential followers on twitter and instagram

Introducing entourage.io! This past year we built technology to better understand our social network connections.  After realizing that our core technology had purpose and could be packaged we decided to build an app.

Download it for FREE from the App Store!

entourage.io – your most influential twitter and instagram followers

** Engage Followers **
Reach out to your followers with the most impact, and share content directly to them!

** Competitive Analysis **
Understand the social network of your competition. Look up your competitor and see who’s following them.

** Grow Your Network **
Identify influential people in your network and follow back.

** Share **
Let others know who’s following you. Send a social graph to facebook, twitter, Instagram, iMessage, and more!

** Deep Connections **
Cascading analysis into anyone’s entourage.

** Free Searches **
Search your twitter and instagram account as many times as you want, FOR FREE!

** No Sign-Ups **
You don’t need a new account to use entourage.io, just connect to the networks you want to use. Simple.

In coming weeks, we will be adding the ability to receive FREE credits from sharing as well as the addition of additional social networks to connect with.